While listening to the rebroadcast of the February 14th BYU devotional today titled "Messages of Love" I was also contemplating all of what I had perceived as inconveniences, bad luck or just things going wrong lately when my eyes were opened. A scene from last summer came to my mind, our Road Respect group was riding from SLC to Park City via emigration canyon onto the I-80 freeway. We had to use the freeway as there is no other alternative to Park City from emigration canyon. Riding a bike on the freeway with cars whizzing past at 80mph just inches from you can be a little unsettling for some and cause for concern. This particular day a car had caught on fire and was in flames, emergency vehicles were present and all of the traffic had been move over into the far left lanes and was at a stand still or moving very slowly. The entire right lane was blocked to traffic. The cyclists were able to use the right freeway lane which meant we didn't have to deal with all of the debris on the shoulder of the road or the speeding traffic. We all had a safe ride down the freeway.
The spirit testified to me that this instance was a tender mercy of my Father in Heaven and an answer to many prayers. While a terrible inconvenience for those sitting in traffic and the man whose car was a total loss, there were 25-30 people on bikes that were safe that day because of a little inconvenience to a few people. Sometimes Excess is Necessary.
My mind has been whirling wth thougths of times when I have been slowed down or inconvenienced by an event and been frustrated by it. I have come to realize that many times the Lord is answering the prayers of someone else knowing that I am in a situation to deal with a little inconvenience and will still be ok. Maybe there was someone I was to meet or come in contact with. Maybe I was to learn patience and understanding. When I pray for safety, how many people will be inconvenienced so my prayer can be answered. When I'm inconvenienced is someone elses prayer being answered.. I'm so grateful to my Father in Heaven for allowing me to have this experience. I hope I will remember these thoughts and feelings and be less annoyed when things don't go right.
I shall never look at this type of inconvience the same again.
Jacques Goddet, a French sports journalist and director of the Tour de France from 1936 to 1986, told riders “it's necessary to keep an inhuman side to the Tour. Excess is necessary.” I believe, if you want to succeed at anything you have to make a serious commitment, sometimes "Excess is necessary."
New Love Life
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
So everything that could go wrong lately has. It started with the roof leaking into the office light fixture. Need a new roof, $10,000 ought to cover it. Several places need new plywood, at $64 a piece, hey at that price let's just replace it all. Still sick after 4 weeks, go see doctor, sinus infection, pay hundreds of dollars to find out what I already knew. I think doctors should have to discover what's wrong without you telling them in order to get the big bucks they charge. Roofers finish the backside, I go out to admire my newly shingled roof. Wow two different shades of hickory. Looks like my roof has been patched on the southeast corner. Need to tear it all off and start over. Must pay dish TV company $50 to move the satellite dish 12 inches, even though they'll pay you to move it across the USA. Must have an adult present to move the dish. We'll be there between 12-4. Four o'clock and still not here, installer calls, I can do it without anybody there. Hopefully it's in a good place on the new shingles that must now be removed. I received an email from my boss stating that I'm the only one in the company to have an incorrect W-2. They'll be mailing me another one. My W-2 shows up today, wait something isn't quite right. the end of the document is wide open with all of my personal information hanging out there. No wait, there is a 1/3 of my W-2 missing. Torn right along the perforation, leaving the part that tells the world, Hey this is important tax information rip here to steal vital personal info. No less the IMPORTANT TAX INFORMATION ENCLOSED notice has been hightlighted with a bright bold yellow highlighter so the theives don't miss it. Not enough to worry about, let's throw in identity theft. Snowing today on unfinished roof. Did I mention my inexpensive Kodak printer drinks ink, but hey it only costs $40 to replace it every other week, instead of $80 a year. Smart move on that one.
It's times like this that I really wish I could just leave it all behind. Given the option I'd take it.
It's times like this that I really wish I could just leave it all behind. Given the option I'd take it.
St. George Shop Trip
Just returned from a short, sweet trip to St. George to ride with the bike shop. It was about 55 degrees and sunny. Road Snow Canyon with the shop manager and his wife. We had a tail wind going up and a rough headwind, cross wind coming back. The last time I did this ride was 1998. We came down as a family at General Conference and stayed at my brother Richard's condo.
Jeff kept the kids busy and drove up the canyon to meet me as I rode.
Jeff kept the kids busy and drove up the canyon to meet me as I rode.
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